Jal Movie 2014
al revolves around a young man named Bakka (Purab Kohli), who is gifted with a special ability to find water in the desert. With the backdrop of water scarcity, the film tells a complex and intriguing story of love, relationships, enmity, deceit and circumstances that bring about the dark side of human character. Jal is a high-octane, action-drama with a shocking climax. Shot on an epic scale, the film is a visual treat and has managed to capture Rann of Kutch like never before.
Watch Trailer: Jal
Directors: Girish Malik
Writers: Rakesh Mishra (screenplay), Girish Malik (screenplay)
Release Date: 4 April 2014 (India)
Duration: --126 mins
Rating: -U/A
- Tannishtha Chatterjee, Saidah Jules, Purab Kohli